Analyze and Visualize Your Organization’s Work Styles in a Short Time Frame! Visualization Makes it Easier to Determine Evaluation Axes for Work Style Reform
Collaboration-Style Diagnosis Service with Microsoft Viva Insights
Knowing numerous Microsoft products inside and out, JBS visualizes your work styles in a short time frame of six weeks and provides you with opportunities to improve them. This service offers a way for a data-driven work style reform based on actual data.
Service Overview
JBS, which has undertaken numerous Microsoft cloud solution implementations and knows its way around the products, uses Microsoft Viva Insights (hereinafter referred to as “Viva Insights”) to analyze and visualize your employees’ work styles. The indications gained from the visualized data about the organization’s work styles help you to learn about your organization’s communication and collaboration trends, and make it easier to decide on evaluation axes for work style reforms such as deciding what measures to take. The service also makes it easier to advance considerations on organizational reforms by highlighting the organization’s strengths.
What Is Viva Insights?
Viva Insights is a cloud-based service that provides insights into communication styles, tendencies, and streamlining by combining meta data from the e-mails, schedules, online meetings, and instant messages of your employees accumulated on Microsoft 365 with organizational data. As of May 2020, licenses are provided for Microsoft 365 E1, E3, and E5 environments.
Are our employees working efficiently?
We estimate opportunities for work style reform and the size of effect.
Using the Viva Insights function, we analyze your work styles. We then uncover potential business effects from work style reforms.
What do we look at for evaluating work style reforms?
We visualize employees’ work styles from four analytical themes.
We compile a report in a short time frame (normally six weeks) in line with an analysis template created by JBS.
- Excessive collaboration
- Unbalanced work burden / time constraints
- Highly functioning management
- Siloed / rigid organization
What do we do to not just implement a system, but make it useful for management?
We provide analysis knowledge in the form of workshops.
We provide workshop style training on how to use Viva Insights. You learn to do the analytical work yourself to make continued effect tracking possible.
Service Flow