Provides Speedy Operation Monitoring for Complex Hybrid IT Systems!

the MATRIX for Managed System

Realize stable continuous system operation through an integrated managed service. Enabling you to operate continuously while responding constantly to a dramatically changing IT environment and securing compliance.

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Service Overview

The MATRIX for Managed System Service is an outsourcing service through a 24 hour, 365 day support system that realizes stability in companies’ continuous system operations. Through cutting-edge IT operation utilizing our operation know-how of many years and integrated operation management system, our service can handle hybrid and multicloud environments that mix on-premise and cloud environments. We provide a compliance-based service in a dramatically changing IT environment.

Service Merits

By visualizing IT assets, consolidating information and realizing secure operation, the service reduces the costs and burden of operation monitoring.

Visualization of Hybrid IT Assets

The operation monitoring device is managed in the configuration management data base, enabling user to grasp the operation situation of monitored devices in real time.
ハイブリッド IT 資産の 可視化

Consolidation of Operation Process Information

You can check incident statuses and patch application situations in real time.
運用プロセスの情報を 一元管理

Thorough Remote Management for Access Control and Operation Trace Management

You can manage the traces of who operated what and when.
アクセス制御と操作証跡 管理が徹底された リモートマネジメント

Recommended Service Plans

We have three plans to choose from in accordance with your requirements.

Remote Access Light Standard Enterprise
We want to achieve secure remorte access! We want to learn of problems occurring immediately! We want someone to handle problems occurring and primary checks immediately! We need to reduce the burden of system operation maintenance!
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