Are All Your Security Measures for Microsoft 365 up and Running?
Smart Start for Microsoft 365 E5 Security
This is a service for customers who aren’t sure where to start with security measures for Microsoft 365 applications. It implements threat blocking and detection functions for multi-layered defense to handle sophisticated cyberattacks and strengthen your security measures.
Service Overview
This service realizes short-timeframe implementation and operation of security products that protect the IDs, devices, and applications that are needed to use Microsoft 365 from various cyberattacks.
Service Benefits
Based on JBS’s build track record, in a short timeframe we realize the implementation of the security products that you “want to start operating immediately” but “don’t know how.”
- Design with a Track Record
We implement the optimal design for your environment with a design based on JBS’s implementation track record.
- Start Using Immediately
Building and testing is completed in a minimum of three weeks after answering an interview sheet, after which you can start using it immediately.
- Safe Operation
It comes with an operation manual that covers everything from basic operation to response follow-up, so you can start safe operation immediately.
Recommended for Customers Who...
have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
are using Microsoft 365 applications.
are considering security measures using Microsoft 365 E5 functions.
Implementation Image
You can implement blocking and detecting functions for Microsoft 365 E5 security products against various cyberattacks.
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