Experience Microsoft 365 E5 at Your Leisure! Evaluate and Verify PoC in a Short Time.

PoC for Microsoft 365 E5

Using Microsoft 365 E5, you can experience threat countermeasures from inside and outside the organization.
By experiencing the various functions, you will be able to get a clear idea of what it would be like to implement Microsoft 365 E5.

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Service Overview

For customers who are considering the implementation of Microsoft 365 E5 components, this service enables you to check the organization of requirements for implementation, operability, operational feasibility, and more. Through this service, you can monitor security events, manage privacy, and put measures in place to counter internal threats.

Setting Out Requirements

  • Interview on requirements
  • Aligning understanding of the PoC (※) environment
  • PoC: Proof of Concept. A simple verification.
Environment Building

  • Building of a PoC environment
  • Setting parameters to JBS-recommended figures

  • Functional verification in a test scenario
  • Assistance in the form of Q&A support

Service Benefits

By customizing the environment according to the security and compliance requirements of your organization, you can conduct appropriate and flexible verification in your business environment.

Experience Functions

A scenario-based functional verification enables you to examine the requirements and get idea picture of what implementation would look like.

Resolve Doubts

We support you in resolving each and every doubt and unclear point through this functional verification for production deployment.

Improved Security Measures

This helps in the selection of products and functions to improve the security level of your environment.

Service Details

After selecting security (external threats) or compliance (internal threats) in advance, once JBS builds the PoC environment, you conduct PoC according to the test scenario.


PoC centered on products that conduct measures against external threats such as malware attacks or phishing.

Examples of target products

  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365

PoC centered on products that conduct measures against internal threats such as confidential information leakage by employees.

Examples of target products

  • Microsoft Compliance(Purview)
  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

PoC Flow


Advance confirmation

Adjusting the PoC environment and checking the requirements.


Environment Building

We design a policy for the confirmed requirements and build the environment.



We conduct a demo (about half a day) based on the test scenario.



You conduct PoC based on the test scenario.


Q&A Handling

We handle inquiries based broadly on the demo contents.


Item Details
PoC results report A document describing the contents set on the PoC environment and simple performance test
Demo scenario A document describing the demo scenario to be implemented
Q&A management chart A document compiling the contents of the inquiries generated during the Q&A
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