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Implementation Support for Microsoft Entra Internet Access/Private Access

Choose freely from three services, PoC, environment building, and migration support, depending on your company’s needs. We support the implementation, building, and development of a zero-trust network environment without unnecessary costs so that everything runs smoothly.

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Service Overview

Microsoft Entra Internet Access/Private Access provides ID-focused zero trust network access and eliminates the risks of internet access, VPNs, and complicated operation. You can improve user productivity while realizing internet access and safe access to internal apps and resources from anywhere, enabling employees and business partners to safely access apps and resources regardless of their location.
This service provides the three services of Proof of Concept (hereinafter, “PoC”) support, environment building, and migration support, to smoothly support your implementation, building, and development. Because you can choose freely from these three services based on your company’s needs, implementation is possible without unnecessary costs.

  • Service Overview

  • Service Benefits

    At JBS, we have network engineers with a wealth of experience and a strong track record in implementing Microsoft products as well has high expertise and experience in implementing other companies’ SSE/SASE, who are all capable of designing and building. We have created a menu of the work necessary for customers implementing Microsoft Entra Internet Access/Private Access, and by selecting the menu that you need, we provide the optimal assistance for that menu.

    Linkage with Microsoft Products

    With extensive know-how of Microsoft Products, we can handle linkage with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, and other environments. We can offer comparison proposals with other companies’ SSE/SASE products as well.

    Flat Rate Prices

    Fixing a flat rate for each menu makes it easier for you to allocate a budget or estimate costs.

    Select the Necessary Service

    We have prepared the three menus of PoC assistance, environment building, and migration support. You select only the menus you require.

    Implementation Benefits

    By implementing Microsoft Entra Internet Access/Private Access, we enhance your security, while providing an environment in which users can conveniently access the appropriate resources from anywhere.

    Enhanced Security


    Microsoft Entra Private Access aggregates access control over networks, IDs, and endpoints, protecting access to any internal apps or resources from any location, device, or ID with security. Additionally, Microsoft Entra Internet Access will similarly protect access to any website from any location, device, or ID with security.

    Access Policy Management


    You can manage and make adjustments to employees’ and business partners’ access policies. This means that even if access permissions for private apps, SaaS apps or Microsoft 365 change, you can still continuously monitor and adjust user access in real time.

    Remote Access Without VPN Being Necessary

    VPN 不要のリモートアクセス

    Employees can access necessary data seamlessly and safely without using a VPN. This improves the productivity of employees working remotely. Additionally, it is not necessary to externally release an intrusion route such as VPN equipment.

    ID-Focused Zero-Trust Network Access

    ID 中心のゼロトラストネットワークアクセス

    Through an ID-focused zero-trust network access, safe access to all websites, private apps, and resources is realized regardless of the user’s location.

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