JBS Acquires New Certification Attesting its Track Record and Technological Capabilities in Microsoft Azure AI
AnnouncementJBS has newly acquired a new specialization in Microsoft Azure AI and Machine Learning, in a program that certifies specialization in Microsoft cloud solutions.
The Microsoft Azure AI and Machine Learning specialization is a certification that attests to JBS’s track record and expertise in assessment, design, implementation and operation in the fields of AI and machine learning in a Microsoft Azure (hereinafter “Azure”) environment. The specialization is granted following screening by a third-party organization.
In addition to the Microsoft Azure AI and Machine Learning specialization, JBS already has Infra and Database Migration to Microsoft Azure specialization and Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop specialization, indicating our high degree of Azure-related specializations.
JBS will continue to aim to be a presence that can contribute to the sustainable growth of companies and society through technological innovations in strong partnership with Microsoft and other companies.
Reference Information
JBS’s AI Initiatives
JBS has been conducting AI-Lab activities with the aim of promoting the use of AI technology since 2020. In collaboration with Microsoft Japan and Future University Hakodate , JBS has been engaging in nurturing engineers to lead the AI era and system development through AI technology collaboration, verification experiments, and usage purpose development, etc. Incorporating the knowledge gained from such efforts from an early stage into generative AI usage at the company and reflecting the experience into a “real showcase” for customer solutions, we compile and widely spread the proven technologies into services such as AIplicity Chat and Copilot NAVI. With “bringing the best technology to everyone, everywhere” as our mission, JBS strives to deliver generative AI that can be used safely to contribute to the growth of society.
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