JBS Acquires Kurumin Certification



Japan Business Systems, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato Ward, Tokyo; President: Yukihiro Makita; hereinafter, “JBS” securities code: 5036) has been granted Kurumin certification by the Japanese Minister of Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a childcare support company based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (hereinafter, the “Next Generation Support Act”). This certification recognizes JBS’s initiatives to support diverse work styles that balance private and work life and efforts toward encouraging employees to take childcare leave.

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  • JBS’s Initiatives

    JBS has been carrying out an action plan based on the Next Generation Support Act since April 1, 2019 to support employees to balance work and home life and to create a work place environment that is rewarding for everyone. We have been working to enhance our benefits system such as introducing a stock leave system that can be used for childcare purposes,* activities to promote the utilization of paternity leave, a reduced work hours system, and a subsidy for using babysitter/housework services.

    With regard to promoting paternity leave for men, JBS aims for 100% acquisition of childcare leave or paid childcare leave for the medium-term management plan. Currently, we are at about 54%.


    What Is Kurumin Certification?

    A Kurumin certification is applied for by companies that fulfill certain requirements, such as the formulation and registration of an action plan based on the Next Generation Support Act, and achieving the targets set out in that action plan. Such companies are recognized by the Japanese Minister of Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as childcare support companies.

    • A system to stockpile paid annual leave that has expired.

    • Any company names, logos, and product names mentioned are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
    • All details in this press release are as of the date of the creation of this press release and may change without notice. The service may change in part or in its entirety, be cancelled, or become unimplementable due to various reasons.
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