JBS Wins the Japan Award Innovation of the Year from Dell Technologies Japan



JBS won the Japan Award Innovation of the Year at the Partner Summit at Dell Technologies Forum 2023 Japan held on October 13, 2023, and was presented with a trophy and plaque by President Toshihiko Otsuka of Dell Technologies Japan.

  • JBS、デル・テクノロジーズから 「Japan Award Innovation of the Year」を受賞

    (From Left) Toshihiko Otsuka, President & CEO, Dell Technologies,
    Yukimasa Goto, Senior Managing Exective Officer and Director, JBS,
    Yoshinori Irisawa, Senior Executive Officer, Dell Technologies

  • JBS will continue to strive to be a company that can contribute to the sustainable growth of companies and society through technological innovations in strong partnership with Dell Technologies Japan and other companies.

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