Agreement for the Joint Provision of Fully-Managed Service for Windows



Agreement for the Joint Provision of Fully-Managed Service for Windows

  • 三菱UFJリース,日本ビジネスシステムズ,ディーアールエス

  • We hereby announce that Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Company Limited (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Takahiro Yanai; hereinafter “MUL”), Japan Business Systems, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative: Yukihiro Makita, President; hereinafter “JBS”), and wholly-owned MUL subsidiary DRS Company Limited (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Haruhiko Matsuda; hereinafter “DRS”) have agreed to the joint provision of Fully-Managed Service for Windows to handle the overall operation and management of PCs including regular OS updating (Semi-Annual Channel, hereinafter “SAC”) which occurs with the implementation of PCs equipped with Windows 10.

    MUL will integrate the functions provided by the PC rental services of DRS and the system integration functions of JBS’s Microsoft platform into one service and further include a Windows 10 SAC follow-up service to provide unprecedented new value.

    Going forward, MUL, JBS, and DS will conduct joint marketing for companies which have more than 10,000 PCs under management and operation, based on the concept of providing this service to assist companies’ IT departments to advance their operational structure reforms to transform into IT departments that contribute even more than before to their company’s business with limited human resources. The aim is to support the operation of 150,000 PCs in the next three years.

  • フルマネージドサービス for Windows

  • *Windows and Microsoft are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

    Background to the Development of the New Service

    With the end of extended support for Microsoft Windows 7 coming up in January 2020, companies are beginning to consider the implementation of Windows 10 in earnest. In addition to the traditional monthly quality update programs, for Windows 10 it is necessary to check if the function update programs provided twice yearly cause any problems to the operation of business applications and apply them. In particular, it is necessary to continue to ensure that the security level remains constantly updated. There is concern that such work will generate a major operational burden on the IT departments of companies that have implemented Windows 10. It is projected that there will be many challenges, such as the need to develop IT infrastructure to support operations and the necessity for securing human resources.

    On the other hand, the role of IT departments is changing from the development and maintenance of system infrastructures to the active proposal and advancement of plans towards realizing operational reforms, and digital strategies, etc. In line with this trend, in order to not inhibit the advancement of operational structure reforms to shift IT department personnel to more core operations, a new service to safely outsource all non-core operations such as PC expansion and operation management is called for.

    Details and Characteristics of the New Service

    Fully-Managed Service for Windows
    • Along with covering the bulk of PC operation-related work, JBS regularly proposes measures that lead to reducing the overall cost of PC operation, such as the return of PCs with a low operating ratio and effective use of software. Services are all tailored from the customers’ viewpoint.
    • Even after concluding the contract, JBS aims to maintain and improve the service contents and customer satisfaction over the long term by continuously reviewing the service contents (adding menus, replacing menus, adjusting the service price, etc.) according to the changes in how customers use PCs, or technological advances such as telecommunications and cloud services.
    Service Design with SAC Follow-Up at the Core
    • Adopting a simple design and test-driven approach, JBS realizes safe and certain SAC follow-up.
    • By building the management system on a cloud (Microsoft Azure) it is possible to handle system obsolescence flexibly, realizing a long-term service.
    Service Provision for a Monthly Fee per Terminal
    • Including all service menus such as PC terminal, management system, SAC response, application distribution, and help desk, JBS provides the service for a monthly fee per each PC terminal used.
    • This service can also be used for PC terminals that have already been installed.
    • When increasing the number of PC terminals in the future, JBS will increase the service fee from the relevant month for each PC terminal.
  • フルマネージドサービス for Windows サービスイメージ図

    Service Overview

  • About Japan Business Systems, Inc.

    As an independent system integrator, JBS provides systems and services utilizing the characteristics of a multi-vendor. JBS has its strengths in particular in Microsoft solutions and won the 2018 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year, which is awarded to one company in Japan by Microsoft Corporation, in 2018. From everything to post-implementation operation and maintenance, JBS can provide one-stop services encompassing companies’ entire IT systems.

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