Tech Target Interviews JBS "SAP on Azure," ERP System Implementation Service on Cloud
MediaInterview with JBS is posted at Tech Target Japan Mar. 29 edition on "ERP on Cloud,
Things You Should Know to Wipe away Worries."
"SAP on Azure Solution," enabling you to optimize the initial implementation and operational costs, is
introduced in this article by four JBS employees ― Takashi Iwaizako, Director of Administration Div., Yuji
Tanaka, Director of Business Solutions Development Dept., Kunio Goto of Platform Solutions Dept. and Hiroto
Tsuchisaka of Information Systems Dept.
JBS has been a user of SAP ERP as well as its solution provider for the past 15 years. Based on accumulated knowhow and skills we offer "SAP on Azure Solution" which includes initial assessment, requirements definition, integration and post-installation support.
Please visit the site and enjoy reading.