JBS Participated in the 28th NIKKEI NEW OFFICE AWARD Ceremony



JBS participated in the Award Ceremony of the 28th NIKKEI NEW OFFICE AWARD on Aug. 28. JBS together with 12 other companies who were awarded this year got together at Nikkei Tokyo Bldg.

This award began in 1988 (Showa Era) sponsored by Nikkei Inc. and New Office Promotion Association (NOPA) with back-up from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to promote new types of offices in Japan. By recognizing new offices with originality and ingenuity publicly and introducing these real cases of ' how offices should be ' NOPA is promoting better work place for office workers.

Yukihiro Makita, President of JBS, will present at " Creative Office Seminar 2015 Autumn " in Oct. 2015. This seminar is sponsored by NOPA and JBS will hold a series of office tours for those who are interested in offices of AWARD winners.


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