JBS Created Microsoft Dynamics CRM Security Reference for Financial Institutions with MRI
AnnouncementJBS today announced that JBS jointly with Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (hereinafter MRI) created and released the Security Reference (*) for Microsoft Dynamics CRM targeted for financial institutions.
Shifting to cloud is a recent trend among enterprises, but it has been considered difficult to adopt cloud services in the financial industry or large systems which require severe security standards unless the security guideline set by the Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (hereinafter FISC) is met.
JBS has track records for implementation and operation in the financial industry while as a solution provider having a wide range of utilization knowledge about Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Taking advantage of the know-how, JBS together with MRI edited the security reference to meet the requirements of FISC security guideline for financial institutions. With this security reference financial institutions and system integrators can develop/operate safe and secure financial systems.
We hope that not only financial institutions, but also large enterprises and governmental organizations will make use of this security reference and shift to cloud utilization for better business efficiency. JBS will continue to promote cloud businesses.
- New Security Reference is an Excel-like chart to show whether added items in the version 8 of FISC security guideline (137 facility-related, 108 operation-related, and 51 engineering-related) are met in Microsoft Dynamics CRM service. It also show how system integrators / users should handle if any action is required.