Human Rights Basic Policy

About Human Rights Basic Policy

Message from the President

It goes without saying that "people" are the most important element in every aspect of the JBS Group's business activities. Respect for fundamental human rights in our business activities has already been thoroughly implemented as the basis of our business activities. However, interest in human rights is growing across the world, and the private companies are currently expected to tackle human rights issues. In light of these circumstances, the JBS Group has recently established the “Human Rights Basic Policy” to be observed, in order to express respect for human rights in our business activities in a tangible manner. Companies are increasingly expected to address issues related to sustainability, including respect for fundamental human rights. The JBS Group recognizes protection of human rights as a key element in our achievement of sustainability management and SDGs and will promote business activities in accordance with this Basic Policy.

October 1, 2021
Japan Business Systems, Inc.
Yukihiro Makita, President & CEO

Human Rights Basic Policy

Ⅰ. Basic Principle

As a member of the global society, the JBS Group respects the human rights of all people involved in our group, including customers, employees, and partner companies, in conducting business activities. Through the JBS Group’s business, including digital transformation (DX) of client’s businesses, we will realize decent work for all people in society.

Ⅱ. Basic Policy

  1. Respect for human rights

    In all our business activities, we will respect the fundamental human rights of the stakeholders concerned and will not be involved in any type of discrimination based on race, creed, religion, nationality, age, family origin, social status, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, or other traits. We will not be involved in any other conduct that harms the dignity of individuals.

  2. Respect for Diversity

    Regardless of race, creed, religion, nationality, age, family origin, social status, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, or other traits, we will strive to create a work environment in which people can be fairly evaluated and work with peace of mind.

  3. Prohibition of forced and child labor

    We will not use labor obtained through coercion, detention, prison labor, slavery or human trafficking. In addition, we will not allow children under the minimum working age to work.

  4. Prohibition of inhumane treatment

    We will respect the human rights of the workers and will not engage in any inhuman treatment, such as mental or physical abuse, harassment, or coercion of long working hours.

  5. Collaboration with partner companies

    We will share the philosophy of this Basic Policy with our business partners and will endeavor not to engage in any conduct that violates these Basic Policies.

  6. Ensuring Proper Remedies

    We will endeavor to provide necessary cooperation to the victims of any conduct that is contrary to this Basic Policy, if such conduct were to be caused by the business activities of the JBS Group.

  7. Training and Outreach

    We conduct necessary training and outreach activities to ensure that all of our officers and employees understand the content of this Basic Policy and take appropriate actions in our business activities.

October 1, 2021

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