JBS Wins the 2018 Cisco Data Center of the Year Award



JBS won the Cisco Data Center of the Year award at Cisco Partner Conference Japan 2018 hosted by Cisco Systems G.K. (hereinafter called “Cisco”). Cisco partners (secondary seller) whose performance grew between 2017 and 2018 were awarded at Cisco Partner Conference Japan 2018.

JBS effectively used the Cisco Partner Plus program to receive many orders compared to other Cisco Partners (secondary sellers). In particular, in sales of data center products centered on Cisco Nexus, JBS achieved performance exceeding 50% over the previous year and was highly commended for contributing greatly to Cisco’s core business.

As Cisco’s partner, JBS will continue with efforts to provide not only data center products centered on Cisco Nexus, but also comprehensive advanced solutions with “the best systems and best service for customers” as its motto.

写真左から シスコシステムズ合同会社 専務執行役員パートナー事業統括 高橋 慎介 氏 Cisco アンバサダープログラム 卓球日本代表 張本智和 選手 日本ビジネスシステムズ株式会社 執行役員 営業統括本部長 星 誠 シスコシステムズ合同会社 代表執行役員 社長 デイヴ・ウェスト 氏 シスコシステムズ合同会社 アジアパシフィック&ジャパン パートナーオーガナイゼーション バイスプレジデント ヴィッキーバッカ 氏

From left Shinsuke Takahashi, Cisco Systems G.K. Tomokazu Harimoto, Japanese table tennis representative, Cisco Ambassador Program Makoto Hoshi, Japan Business Systems, Inc. Dave West, Cisco Systems G.K. Vicki Batka, Cisco Systems G.K.

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