BitTitan Introduces JBS as MSPComplete Partner in Their Official Blog



BitTitan introduced JBS as a partner for their new service called "MSPComplete" in their official blog.
BitTitan is a cloud services enablement provider that helps IT consultants and managed service providers to sell, service and transition to the cloud. JBS has dealt in "MigrationWiz," mail box migration tool for years.

JBS participated in development beta program for MSPComplete as the only company from Japan in Sep. 2016 through April 2017.
BitTitan first released MSPComplete in 2015 as a suite of products to help MSPs transition customers from on-premises servers to cloud services, so the suite included BitTitan tools for e-mail migration, document migration, configuration of Outlook, Azure assessments and other functions. The new release is designed to serve as a comprehensive business process automation platform enabling managed service providers to document both customer-facing and internal workflows and then orchestrate their execution, track their status, and measure their profitability.

In this official Blog of BitTitan, JBS is introduced as a very ambitious partner to give feedback about the beta version using MSPComplete for cross-departmental projects.

At partner event organized by BitTitan. BitTitan is a fast-growing ISV partner and acts as a Titanium Sponsor at Microsoft Inspire 2017. JBS will continue to strengthen our relationship with BitTitan, including with Geeman Yip, Founder and CEO, and provide with high quality services using MSPComplete.

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