Endorsement by Makita, President of JBS, Posted on Press Release of "Citrix Cloud" Launch Announcement



Citrix Systems Japan (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Hereinafter Citrix) today announced "Citrix Cloud," service platform to make integrated management of work space service distribution for Japanese market such as Application Virtualization & VDI, File Sync & Sharing for enterprises.

JBS provides its endorsement to this announcement.

Yukihiro Makita, President of JBS
JBS welcomes the launch of Citrix Cloud in Japanese market. We've been providing support for a large scale VDI installation mainly at financial institute using Citrix technology. We now plan to offer cloud-based work space services and make the best use of our partnership with Microsoft, who is also a very important partner for Citrix, so that we can provide more value-added solutions.

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