NOX Releases Case Study Featuring Varonis DatAdvantage at JBS


Case Study

NOX Released a case study featuring Varonis DatAdvantage at JBS.
DatAdvantage is a solution to manage access rights for multiple systems with the organization on one screen.

At JBS internal file servers used since the foundation of the company increased in capacity and complexity. It was almost reaching to the limit to manage access rights for files and folders and the access history by tools like event viewer.

As JBS acquired ISMS certification and PrivacyMark, the momentum for improved file server management heightened. In order to eliminate potential risks in the management of information asset and customer information, JBS decided to choose DatAdvantage as an optimal solution for access management.

Before installing DatAdvantage, it took ten days to two weeks to check and confirm access rights. But after installation it only takes a minute to check and analyze the access right, which contributed to the substantial reduction of management costs. It also helped grasp the user usage trend, which improved internal management structure in terms of incident response.

JBS, making good use of knowhow accumulated by installing and using DatAdvantage, forms a structure to offer DatAdvantage as a highly added-value solution to our customers.

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