JBS Becomes an Authorized Microsoft Surface Reseller for Enterprise Market



JBS concluded Authorized Surface Reseller Agreement for Enterprises with Microsoft Japan on Oct. 4, 2016.
An authorized Surface reseller for enterprises is a reseller who concluded an agreement with Microsoft to deal in Surface products. Enterprise customers can purchase Surface products only from these authorized Surface Resellers and their affiliates or Device Value Added Resellers and their affiliates.

Effective use of IT is now considered as a key to business success. JBS offers services from upper stream to IT operation in the area like IoT and AI with Cloud computing in the core. JBS is in particular focused on Microsoft® products such as Windows® 10.

Surface is notable for its high mobility, simple and easy face authentication, optimal device for Windows 10 potentials. Surface has a high affinity with VDI and by deploying Surface devices with Windows 10, security measures can be taken without depending on migration schedule of apps.

左:Paul Muckleston, General Manager, WW Surface Commercial Channel Sales, Microsoft Corporation 右:日本ビジネスシステムズ株式会社 代表取締役社長 牧田 幸弘 Surfaceの販売促進における相互協力を確認し、Surfaceを抱えての握手

Left: Paul Muckleston, General Manager, WW Surface
Commercial Channel Sales, Microsoft Corporation
Right: Yukihiro Makita, President, JBS
Shaking hands holding a Surface to confirm mutual
collaboration for the sales of Surface

Surface is a device for users with the latest technology to realize a new mobile work style for enterprises. JBS offers solutions to improve business efficiency with Surface while keeping security by combining Office 365® and Enterprise Mobility + Security, and we also propose the effective way of managing PC resources with our PC Life Cycle Service.

While proposing Surface devices based on industry, business or user scenarios, JBS as a Cloud Solution Provider offers the following services.

- Rental service of Surface devices
- Monthly based charge option combining Microsoft licenses covering from device, OS, cloud service to security

JBS, with Customer First principle in mind, is committed to offer the most advanced IT solutions to enhance our customers business value.

Surface, Microsoft, Windows and Office 365 are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

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