Two JBS Engineers Awarded Microsoft MVPs Again This Year to Have Three MVPs in Total



JBS today announced that Masahiko Ebisuda was awarded Most Valuable Professional (Hereinafter MVP) in the technical expertise of Cloud and Datacenter Management by Microsoft Corporation (Headquartered in Redmond, WA, USA). Akira Sakuma was also awarded MVP for Office Servers and Services at the same time.

Together with Masahiro Suzuki for Business Solutions, JBS continues to have three MVPs. These three Microsoft MVPs and other high-skilled engineers will continue to make the best use of Microsoft products to enhance the user experience of our customers.

What is Microsoft MVP Award ?

JBS MVP Winner


Cloud and Datacenter Management


Masahiko Ebisuda
Cloud Solution Development Dept.
Marketing Div.

MVP Introduction - Masahiko Ebisuda

Masahiko Ebisuda

Ebisuda has implemented a number of Windows products internally with high technical skill. He creates mechanism to offer these products as solutions to our customers and gives training to our internal engineering resources.
"Introductory Course for Windows Infrastructure Manager"


Office Servers and Services


Akira Sakuma
Core Cloud Group
Cloud Platform Dept.
AO Solutions Div.
System Integration Business Unit

MVP Introduction - Akira Sakuma


Business Solutions


Masahiro Suzuki
Assistant Manager
xProductivity Group 1
Cloud Solutions Dept.
AO Solutions Div.
System Integration Unit

MVP Introduction - Masahiro Suzuki

Microsoft Partner of the Year 2015 in Three Categories

JBS received three category Awards, “Collaboration and Content Competency Award,“ “Datacenter Competency Award,” and “Messaging Competency Award“at Microsoft Partner of the Year Award Ceremony. JBS was recognized for not only achieving lots of successful installation through Office 365 implementation service, but also keeping the level of customer satisfaction high by promoting migration from other vendor's groupware.

More information

Microsoft Partner of the Year 2015

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