ROKI TECHNO in ROKI GROUP Builds File Servers on Amazon Web Services


Case Study

JBS announced today the introduction of a case study of Amazon Web Services (Hereinafter AWS) at ROKI TECHNO CO.,LTD. (Hereinafter ROKI TECHNO), major company of ROKI GROUP CO.,LTD. (Hereinafter ROKI GROUP)

ROKI TECHNO offers filtering technology essential to industries like electronics, chemical, food. While expanding its global coverage to Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, and USA, ROKI TECHNO in recent years started offering consumer business brand "IKOR" for products like humidifiers and water purifiers.

ROKI GROUP migrated file servers on premise to hybrid cloud using AWS, which helped optimize the balance of the data capacity and costs involved. Overall operational workload such as back-up was minimized without burdening end users.

JBS made a comprehensive proposal with pros and cons of multiple alternatives and gave the guidance selection best suited for ROKI GROUP who had some technical concerns for cloud installation. JBS was selected as a reliable partner to promote "Cloud First" strategy for global expansion of ROKI GROUP in the coming years. JBS, even after the completion of installation, continues to offer training and monitoring, trouble shooting services to assist ROKI GROUP for successful operation.

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